919 N. Chase Street Athens, GA 30601
Store Hours: Monday-Friday 12-5:30pm, Sat 11-3pm
Helleborus - Ice N' Roses 'Pink Promise'
Two-toned, outward-facing flowers make their appearance long before the rest of the garden begins to stir from its winter slumber. Pink buds open to 2" diameter flowers with glowing white centers and shades of pink petals surrounding a large, prominent boss of creamy yellow stamens. Frilly, creamy stamens punctuate the center to add texture and elegant charm.
- Shady location and good, moist but well draining soil. They will do best where they receive dappled winter sunlight but are protected from the wind. Â
- Space 18-24'' apart.
- Deer resistant
Sold in 3.5'' wide by 5'' deep pot